Sunday, 7 February 2021

 Because they said so.

I have had several friends taken to hospital, and some were kept in. When they were told they had the flu(aka covid) they told me of the fuss they were made of, and how they got rushed off to a special ward, some given oxygen, and told to follow the rules if they wanted to live? How would you cope, how would I cope with this information? Would you have the guts to's the flu, calm down and let me go home. Not many would be able to do this, in fact 1 in 1 million, and they know this. They live on our compliance, and know we will obey, follow the rules, because the majority are afraid.They then let them go home and tell anyone who will listen they were saved by the NHS,the same NHS who have signed NDAs, and are all gagged. The nurses I know are saying less amd less, even when I show proof the vaccine is killing and making people sick all over the world.Why do we trust them, why do we put our lives in their hands with the record they have? The barbaric treatments are horrific, and at best a shot in the dark. If I ever get the big C, the last place I would go would be the NHS, I would be looking for natural cures.If I need an apendix removed, or break an arm, the NHS can help.

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