Monday, 22 February 2021

 Abused in local.

Last night I went to get a bottle of wine. As I waited to pay, a guy making his way to the back of me looked on. He shook his head and tutted behind his mask. I usually ignore these idiots, but I am reaching boiling point, and had to react.
If you have something to say, fucking say it.
He just gave me a dirty look.
It's people like you he said? Mumble.
Listen, you do what you do, and I'll do what I do.
He mumbled under his mask.
Fuck you, kiss my fucking ass, you make me sick.
I turned to the staff and apologized, I said I'm sick of pricks like this, they make my skin crawl.The staff were sort of in agreement with me too.

Who made him mask monitor? What authority does he have?What business is it of he's to enforce something that's not even law? He was aggressive towards me, and should have known better. This happens every day, I witnessed a high vizzed up security guard attack a customer outside Aldi last week? Since when does a high viz give you special powers? I was barred from tesco on Livsey for now wearing a mask by some jumped up unhealthy manager, telling me it was law? She too had a HV on, and clearly thought she was the law.

Too many idiots are running around thinking it's their job to tell us all how to live our lives. These righteous do gooders are out of control, and it is nothing to do with them how we all live our lives.You stay in your bubble, wear a mask, social distance, stand in line for your vaccine, wait for the next news report, wear two fucking masks and it will all be okay because you believe you will be's just the flu, and yes I can prove it. Empty hospitals, deserted test centres,propaganda,fake death numbers, are all there to be found, but these high viz warriors do not want to know the truth, they just want to be part of the crowd, join in, don't rock the boat......Meanwhile, so called conspiracy theorists like me, ones who can see what is really going on get pelters, abuse, death threats for trying to save your sorry asses. It's all about the money, and money means control, and control means power.
Sad day really, and it will only get worse

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