Monday, 25 January 2021

 Fool me once,shame on you.

Jews and Germans stood side by side, until they were taught to hate. Goeballs controlled the media, and made the german public hate the jews over time. The german public gladly sent their old friends to the death camps because it was the right thing to do.They also sent anyone who did not agree with the nazi party off to Belsen, because it was the right thing to do.They brainwashed the public with a barrage of,cinama,newspapers,magazines,mail drops,posters, you could not get away from it, it was everywhere.

Being told 24/7 that the jews were evil, stealing our jobs, raping our kids,taking our money,poisoning the water, and they even want all germans to become jewish. Non stop, the propaganda was hypnotic, and sceptics in the early days of the nazi party changed their minds by the late 30s, and wanted to visit the camps to see if they could make the killing machine more efficient.In just a few short years in our history, propaganda turned the german public into a happy killing machine through their lies. I'm ashamed of the my country for ignoring their duty, and allowing 6 million jews to be butchered whilst we turned a blind eye.

Meanwhile, here and now, it's happening again, Boris Hitler,Pretty Himler,Matt Goebells and the rest.We only see what they want us to see, except that some of us peek behind the curtains.

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