Friday, 29 January 2021

 Another day of abuse.

None stop on social media, attack attack. Calls for me to die of covid are growing, but my family have nothing to do with my postsing.Apparantly, I should know bettet than to suggest our hospitals are empty, even when I went to see for myself, even when I used my own eyes. When telling a friend the reason the nurses are run off their feet is because half the NHS are off due to positive covid tests, so what do you expect? Half a dozen of my friends have now been on a covid ward, and all survived. When I suggested it was flu, they told me I had no, I had no idea because we were not allowed to visit. I knew they would be okay as they were all in great health. Non smokers,drinkers,drug takers and all exercised often(not). 

Westminster has ruled the country for thousands of years, and they are used to being bossy, making rules and new laws. Scots and Welsh governments are new at it, and are chucking their weight around like they never had any power. These utter lunatics are beating their voters with a shitty stick, and voters have memories. I guess England will be under marshial law soon too.

Germans are refusing the vaccine? Why you ask, why would they, well maybe zyclone B has the answer? They are not stupid, they know a killer drug when they inject one.

500,000 chinese are on their way from hong kong.Where are they going to sleep? Who is going to pay for them? Will they put up with our customs? They won't affect anyone in the government, so who cares?

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