Friday, 19 April 2013


Was in the waiting room at the hospital today, and bumped into one of my old friends, Debra. She asked why i was there, and i explained my mum was having test done for a shadow on her lung. She asked after her, then asked for my CV. They ask questions for a reason, and here's what she asked, but only after lulling me into a comfort zone.... So, where you living? Are you seeing anyone?Are you still working@? to be continued....................... CV is a euphamism, for being nosey. Have you ever noticed? Lets say you chat a bird up in a bar, if she see's potential, she will ask for your CV. Within the space of 5 minutes, she will know where you live,what car you drive,your age etc. She will do all this in the least painful way,as they are experts All women do this, they extract info, and most of you have no idea its being done.

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